Elevate Your Bedroom with an Adjustable Base

There are countless advantages of sleeping on an Adjustable Beds instead of a standard stationary bed. Sleeping elevated can help relieve lower back pain and lifting the foot of the bed can improve circulation in those with low blood pressure and circulatory issues. Chronic snorers can also benefit from using an adjustable bed since raising the head of the bed can help open airways and minimize snoring. Most Adjustable beds come with “Snore Detection” that will actually move you into an anti-snore position when it hears you snoring. You and your sleeping partner will get a much better quality of sleep and you can even program your favorite sleeping positions, allowing you to sleep at different angles depending on your own unique needs.  

Why Consider an Adjustable Bed? 

The Modern Back offers a wide variety of Adjustable Beds with numerous features in various sizes to choose from. A split head Adjustable Bed is a great option for a couple with varying bedtimes and sleeping schedules. All Bedtech adjustable beds are available in split king, split queen, and “split head” options. Split king or queen refers to two beds that can be used separately and are divided into two sections. With a split head, only the head of the bed can be independently adjusted on either side, but both sides’ feet will rise at the same time. Our split head adjustable beds help preserve the cuddle zone by not having complete separation, just in the upper body. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key reasons why you should ditch your flat bed and consider adding an adjustable base to your bedroom.  

Reduces Snoring, Asthma, and Sleep Apnea 

Snoring, asthma, and sleep apnea are all triggered by breathing issues. In order to elevate the head and relieve pressure on the windpipe while lying down, use a mattress that is higher than usual and sleep slightly elevated. 

Improves Insomnia 

Some of the primary reasons of insomnia that keep people up all night tossing and turning are pain and anxiety. It’s possible to find the most comfortable, peaceful position with adjustable bed frames because they provide a variety of configurations that you can’t get with a basic flat bed. 

Stimulates Circulation 

While you sleep, your blood pressure naturally begins to decrease but, you can speed up the process and start unwinding quicker by repositioning the elevation of your bed. For people with circulatory problems, certain positions can improve the blood flow and increase oxygen levels. 

Decreases Leg Swelling 

It’s ideal to keep your legs elevated to reduce swelling whether you have a leg injury, are pregnant, or spend all day standing. An adjustable bed makes it simple to keep your legs up without having to worry about propping up piles of pillows. Sometimes when your legs lie flat and stationary it can cause additional pain. 

Provides Independence 

It can be challenging for those with limited mobility to get in and out of bed. You can easily rise up or lay down in bed without assistance by raising or lowering one end of the bed. 

Decreases Heartburn and Acid Reflux 

Acid reflux or heartburn can occur even if you don’t eat before bed, and laying on your back makes it easier for stomach acid to go up your esophagus. Raising your head while you sleep can aid in maintaining stomach acid, improving both your sleep and digestion. 

Alleviates Arthritis and Persistent Pain 

Traditional flat bed frames can cause unneeded strain on your joints, which can be painful for anybody, but is particularly uncomfortable for people with arthritis and chronic pain. Finding the ideal position to fall asleep, stay comfortable throughout the night, and reduce pain throughout the day is simple with an adjustable bed. 

Lowers Back Pain 

Your back may not always get the support it needs while you’re lying flat. A movable bed frame can be adjusted to conform as closely as possible to the curvature of the body, reducing pain and helping to treat disorders like sciatica. 

Improved Lifestyle 

You know how challenging it can be to position the ideal pile of pillows and keep it in place, whether you’re staying in bed to rest and recover, or you want to read before going to sleep. With the simple conversion of your bed into a chair, an adjustable bed frame increases comfort and eliminates back, neck, and shoulder problems. 

In conclusion, there are almost too many benefits of adjustable beds to list, but this is a good place to start if you’re thinking about making the switch. When the most comfortable mattress and pillows are added, an adjustable base bed is even better. When you’re ready to enhance your quality of sleep and elevate your bedroom, visit themodernback.com to explore our selection of adjustable beds. Before you know it, you’ll be sleeping eight hours straight.